Organisational Member
Roe Print Services
Providing print services for over 35 years, we’ve designed or produced almost every appeal envelope in New Zealand. We take pride in being environmentally better and innovative in all areas of DM production, from strategic creative, digital, email, database supply, mailing and on time lodgement.
298 Youth Health
298 Youth Health Centre is a not for profit organisation, created to provide free medical and social support services for young people aged 10-24 years.
We bring people together to act in powerful and coordinated ways to create a fair and flourishing Aotearoa for all.
Age Concern New Zealand
Everything we do at Age Concern New Zealand is to support older New Zealanders to live a great later life, to make the choices that best suit them and to have access to the services and help they need. We stand up for the rights of older people and against ageism and discrimination.
Alzheimers New Zealand
Alzheimers NZ represents people living with dementia at a national level by raising awareness of dementia, providing information and resources, advocating for high quality services, and promoting research about prevention, treatment, cure and care.
Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand
We are a global movement of individuals who protect human dignity and defend human rights.
Arohanui Hospice
Our vision is to ensure that all people with life-limiting conditions live well and die well, irrespective of their condition or care setting. Our mission is to lead the provision of high quality, collaborative end-of-life care in our region.
Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust
For over 50 years, the life-saving Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter service has assisted the Greater Auckland, outer islands and Coromandel communities.
Auckland War Memorial Museum
Tāmaki Paenga Hira, Auckland War Memorial Museum is Auckland's place of gathering, welcome and orientation, where we share knowledge of our Taonga and explore the many stories of Tāmaki. Our vision - Enriching Lives: Inspiring discoveries.
Aviva ( Formerly Christchurch Women's Refuge)
Everyone deserves to live free from violence. Aviva supports people of any age, gender, sexuality or experience of violence to not only become safe, but begin a journey toward a fulfilling, violence-free life. It is never too early or too late to seek support.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Christchurch
We believe potential lives within every young person. Big Brothers Big Sisters mentors help form strong positive relationships that express care, challenge growth, share power, and expand possibilities. Our mentors help ignite youth potential.
Blind Low Vision NZ
Blind & Low Vision NZ support people with no or limited useful sight that makes doing day-to-day tasks a challenge, even with the best corrective lenses. Approximately three quarters of the people they work with have some vision (which we call low vision), and the remainder are blind.
Cancer Society Canterbury-West Coast
We are here to support people with cancer and their whānau. We are part of the Canterbury-West Coast Division of the Cancer Society.
Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust
Together we can save lives. Our vision is that people across the vast and rugged Canterbury and West Coast regions can live their lives to the full. Assured that if they have an emergency, the Rescue Helicopter will be there to look after them and their families.
Carey Baptist College
Training leaders for ministry and mission
cbm New Zealand
cbm envisions an inclusive world in which all persons with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential.
CCS Disability Action
CCS Disability Action is the largest disability support provider for people with all impairment types in New Zealand.Our mahi ensures disabled people and their whānau have access to information, resources, support and advocacy at the right time.We have been working with disabled people/whānau hauā and their families since 1935.
Chamber Music New Zealand
Chamber Music New Zealand (CMNZ) is Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading not-for-profit organisation devoted to the performance and development of chamber music and small forces musical performance in the country.
Charities Services
We promote public trust and confidence in the charitable sector and encourage the effective use of charitable resources.
ChildFund New Zealand
Children are the reason we exist.We change children's lives by enabling their families and communities to support them into the future.
Crescendo Trust of Aotearoa
Engaging rangatahi through sounds to create positive futures in our communities
Cure Our Ovarian Cancer
Your support can make a huge difference to people living with our least survivable female cancer
Duke of Edinburgh Award Hillary
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award is available to all 14–24 year olds, regardless of their background.The Award has three levels, each progressively more challenging
Familial Trust
The Familial Trust team bring our lived experience and passion to support and empower whānau through hope, understanding and advocacy.Services available to whānau who are impacted by addiction with drugs or alcohol:
Far East Broadcasting Company
Fred Hollows Foundation NZ
The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ. We're putting an end to avoidable blindness in the Pacific. We won't stop until our Pacific neighbours have permanent access to quality eye care.
Fundraising Institute Australia
Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA) is the national peak body representing professional fundraising in Australia.
Fundraising Institute of New Zealand
The Fundraising Institute of New Zealand (FINZ) is the professional body that represents fundraising in New Zealand.
GirlGuiding New Zealand
GirlGuiding New Zealand is a place where girls and young women can be girls, and be valued, inspired and empowered to take action to change their world for the better.
Grief Centre
The Grief Centre offers loss and grief support to youth, adults, and whanau experiencing any form of significant loss. Our kaupapa is to assist all people living through loss regardless of their financial circumstances.
Hagar NZ Charitable Trust
Together with our donors, we love and walk the recovery journey with women and children in Cambodia and Vietnam who have survived slavery, trafficking and/or other forms of severe abuse
Hawke's Bay Rescue Helicopter Trust
Saving lives in Hawke's Bay for over 30 years
Heart Foundation New Zealand
Heart disease can happen to anyone, anytime, even someone you love.
Heart Kids Canterbury
For 30 years, Heart Kids Canterbury has been providing crucial, lifelong support, information, connection and hope so that heart kids and their whānau in the greater Canterbury area never face their heart journey alone.
Heart Kids NZ
Every week 12 families are told that their child has a heart condition, and every week Heart Kids NZ is there to support them.Once a heart kid, always a heart kid
Hope Hub
Food Rescue Organisation distributing surplus food to our community
Hospice Eastern Bay of Plenty
At Hospice Eastern Bay of Plenty, our mission is to provide excellent, compassionate palliative care for everyone throughout the Eastern Bay of Plenty
Hospice Waikato
Hospice Waikato provides specialist palliative care services to people and their families/whānau who are facing a terminal illness
IHC New Zealand Inc.
IHC will advocate for the rights, inclusion and welfare of all people with intellectual disabilities and support them to live satisfying lives in the community.
John Godfrey & Associates
Fundraising Campaigns, Major Gifts and Business Partnerships
Kidney Kids NZ Incorporated
Our mission is to support kidney kids and their families throughout NZ on their journey with kidney disease
KidsCan Charitable Trust
187,000 children live in poverty, going without the essentials like food and adequate clothing. We’re on a mission to change that
Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand
With a vision to cure and a mission to care, we are committed to improving the quality of life for patients and their families living with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and related blood conditions
Maia Health Foundation
Help Māia fund 'Kahurangi', a modern, fit-for-purpose outpatient facility for Child and Youth Mental Health in our region
Maitland and Associates
Auckland based Fundraising Consultants helping charities, schools and sports organisations throughout New Zealand raise the money they need.
Make-A-Wish New Zealand
We create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.
Mary Potter Hospice
Mary Potter Hospice is a local charity that provides specialist palliative care services for people living in Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti.
Medecins Sans Frontieres New Zealand
Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) is an independent international medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural or man-made disasters.
Mercy Hospice Auckland
We support people living in the central Auckland area. This covers Auckland city and the central suburbs from Glendowie in the east to Avondale in the west, Herne Bay in the north to Mt Wellington in the south. Specialist inpatient care is also provided to people from Waiheke Island and the islands of the Hauraki Gulf.
Motor Neurone Disease NZ
Providing quality support and care for all people living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and their whanau in New Zealand.0800 444
Nelson Tasman Hospice
Nelson Tasman Hospice provide specialist palliative care through an interdisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, therapists and trained volunteers, to patients and whānau living with life limiting illness.
New Zealand Red Cross
Every day we help vulnerable people all around New Zealand — supporting them in times of disaster or emergency, helping new Kiwis resettle here, or delivering hot meals and other community services.
New Zealand Rugby Foundation
We care, advocate for and champion the safety of all players in the game we love.
New Zealand School of Dance
New Zealand School of Dance - providing world class training in classical and contemporary dance.
Oxfam Aotearoa
Oxfam is a worldwide development organisation that mobilises the power of people against injustice.
Pillars Ka Pou Whakahou
Pillars Ka Pou Whakahou is a charity that exists to support the tamariki and whānau of people in prison to create positive futures for themselves.Our main objective is to build a community where every child who has a parent or caregiver in prison or serving a community sentence, has access to support and appropriate services; to create a positive future for themselves.’
Presbyterian Support Upper South Island
Presbyterian Support has provided social services in the upper South Island region for over 115 years. While we operate as a separate entity to the Presbyterian Church, our name is a celebration of our beginnings, our heritage and the values we share.
Save the Children New Zealand
Transforming Children's lives around the world.
Southern Youth Development
Empowering young people to achieve their own successes
SPCA New Zealand
SPCA helps protect over 31,000 animals in New Zealand every year. Animals who are sick, injured, abused or simply abandoned.
Sweet Louise
Providing practical, social and emotional support to people living with incurable breast cancer
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
We raise funds to support student scholarships and research that addresses society’s most pressing challenges to benefit our communities.
The Himalayan Trust
Committed to the people of the Everest region since 1961
The Wellington City Mission
Empowerment. Transformation. Fullness of Life.
Volunteer Service Abroad
Volunteer Service Abroad - Te Tūao Tāwāhi (VSA), Connecting people – Transforming Lives
Wellington Museums Trust
Experience Wellington operates six iconic arts, cultural and science institutions – City Gallery Wellington Te Whare Toi, Capital E, Wellington Museum, Space Place, Nairn Street Cottage, and the Cable Car Museum.
World Vision New Zealand
Together we can protect vulnerable children.