Campaigning Fundraisers can Change the World | Ken Burnett
But how should they be doing it, so they have most fun, gain most satisfaction and raise the most money? | 1.5 CFRE Pts.
But how should they be doing it, so they have most fun, gain most satisfaction and raise the most money for their cause?
We all know that fundraising is about much, much more than just raising money. Fundraisers can be a fantastic force for social change. Yet all too often people cross the road to avoid a fundraiser and if you tell people what you do at a party you can quickly clear the room. It doesn’t need to be like that. So what are the best ways to enhance status for you and your colleagues so you can all be more proud of what you do? And what are the 15 key initiatives you and your team can implement to make sure you have more fun, achieve more good and raise lots more money?
Ken explains all in 30 seconds
About the Speaker:
Ken Burnett is a writer, inspirational speaker and author of several books on donor development and communication. Chairman of Trustees at ActionAid from 1998 to 2003, Ken began his fundraising career with that charity in 1977 and since then has been a leading fundraising strategist in the UK and around the world. A former trustee of the UK Institute of Fundraising, Book Aid International and the Disasters Emergency Committee and co-founder of the Commission on the Donor Experience, Ken is now a trustee of World Land Trust and founder and managing trustee at SOFII. In 2015 Ken was guest speaker at the 1st China Fundraising Conference in Beijing – the only non-Chinese speaker at the event. His website and blog is A new book, The Essence of Campaigning Fundraising in 52 Exhibits and 155 Web links, will be published in 2021.